Case Study

Crisis response and security support in Bangladesh

Services involved:
Crisis Response and Advisory
Security Strategy Development

Our team worked with a very large European firm to support an incident in Bangladesh involving their critical supply chain.

This included carrying out a security risk assessment to enable senior leadership to travel, organising secure transportation, and providing a consultant to accompany them for the duration of their trip to provide crisis advisory, intelligence collection, liaison with law enforcement agencies and organisation of secure logistics.

The consultant also provided extensive cultural advice, and was supported by our intelligence team in London carrying out analysis of opposition blogs to look for hartals (protests), as well as social media analytics.

Project leads
Jake Hernandez
View profile


  • Immediate secure deployment of their senior leadership team to Bangladesh
  • Assurance that all hotels, restaurants, routes and offices were secure and that transportation was aligned to threat
  • Complete journey management and security intelligence collection
  • Advice dealing with the crisis from a political and cultural perspective

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Crisis Planning and Continuity
Security Strategy Development
Crime Response
Security Strategy Development

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