Sam Cottingham

Brand Trust Lead

Sam is our Brand Trust Lead, in charge of both our brand and marketing activities. He is the creative mind behind much of the content you will see across our website, social channels and beyond.

Sam leads our efforts to define, protect and communicate with the AnotherDay brand, while working closely with our consultants to create the highest quality content possible.

About Sam

Shortly after joining AnotherDay, Sam undertook the task of a rebrand; reinventing our brand identity to align more authentically with who we on an individual level and as a whole, and to create a consistent and effective vehicle to carry forward the expertise and knowledge of our consultants to the intended audiences. This process also saw Sam rebuild our website and put both our consultants and our case studies at centre stage. Sam combines his expertise in marketing, video editing, website development, animation, social media and graphic design to continually improve AnotherDay's brand and marketing output.

Before joining AnotherDay, Sam spent three years in marketing, working his way up from Junior Marketing Executive to Group Marketing Manager across two international recruitment companies. Sam’s contributions were recognised by being a finalist for Best Franchisee Marketing Support at the Franchise Marketing Awards and winning the ‘Brand Builder of the Year’ internal award.

Sam has also used his video editing abilities to help with client projects, increasing our capability to present important information.

Related case studies

View recent projects we have completed for clients.

Contact Sam

Let us know your situation or challenge below. We can then arrange a call with you to talk about it in further detail, so we can best help you or your business.